- Aldonza
- Alpha-Beta
- Alpha Nu
- Andrew Cassese
- Anthony Edwards
- Arnold Poindexter
- Better Off Dead
- Betty
- Betty Childs
- Bill Daniels
- Bobo Peterson
- Booger Dawson
- Brian Tochi
- Buzz Mussinger
- Chi Sigma Rho
- Chip
- Claudette
- Coach Harris
- Connie
- Curtis Armstrong
- Danny Burke
- Dean Ulich
- Delta Kappa Gamma
- Diane
- Edward Dooley
- Flo Lowe
- Gaylord Humphrey
- Gilbert Lowe
- Harold Skolnick
- Harold Wormser
- Harry Reagan
- Heather
- Heidi Dawson
- Iota Sigma Psi
- Ira Poppus
- Jeannie Humphrey
- Judy
- Julia Montgomery
- Kelton
- Kevin O'Leary
- Lamar's Date
- Lamar Latrell
- Lambda Lambda Lambda
- Larry B. Scott
- Lawrence Posquito
- Lewis Skolnick
- Liane
- Lisa Welch
- Liz
- Lori
- Michelle
- Michelle Meyrink
- Mike Greenwood
- Mr. Dawson
- Mr. Skolnick
- Mr. Stuart
- Mr. Wormser
- Mrs. Dawson
- Mrs. Wormser
- Nerds in Love
- Nerds in Paradise
- Nu Tau Nu
- Ogre
- Oliver Scott
- Omega-Mu
- Omega Psi
- One Crazy Summer
- One Foot in Front of the Other
- Orrin Price
- Paul Daniels
- Pi Delta Pi
- Raj Rakhim
- Revenge of the Nerds
- Revenge of the Nerds: The Animated Series
- Revenge of the Nerds Wiki
- Rho Rho Rho
- Rich Valrow
- Richard Isreal
- Risky Business
- Robert Carradine
- Roger Latimaur
- Sally Jo
- Snotty
- Stacey
- Stan Gable
- Steve Toyota
- Stewart Lipsey
- Sunny Carstairs
- Suzy
- Takashi Toshiro
- Television Pilot
- The Next Generation
- The Stewardess
- Tim Busfield
- Tina
- Tiny
- Tippy Humphrey
- Tommy
- Trevor Gulf
- U.N. Jefferson
- Yosef Yozonski